R&R Realty
Papillion, Nebraska
In 2020-2021, Concrete Strategies constructed a cold storage warehouse facility for Lineage Logistics, an organization that is deeply rooted in generations of cold storage expertise and on the cutting edge of technology and innovation. This project included 45,000 cubic yards of concrete, 430,000 square feet of slab-on-grade concrete, 1,300 tons of rebar, 700,000 square feet of concrete paving, 10,000 square feet of decorative stamped patios and 110 tilt-up panels totaling 75,000 square feet.
This project utilized many different types of concrete: footings, walls, slab on grade, structural mat slabs, mud-mat, tilt-up panels, slab on metal deck, concrete paving and decorative sidewalks. Some unique features include, the 90-foot-tall structure with automatic racking systems and a 20” thick mat-slab double-mat reinforced is a very specialized and unique placement.
Concrete is paramount to the foundation of the racking and all of the exterior concrete (700,000 square feet) was converted from asphalt to concrete. Concrete Strategies worked with Geiger and Martin Marietta to implement premium limestone aggregate with low absorbs ion rates for long-term pavement durability. In face, 12 different mix designs for the project were diligently designed by Gegier and coordinated by Concrete Strategies field leadership.